When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad

Now it seems like it dominates the music industry, movies and fashion. My only question is why?


Showing 4 responses by dweller

I like rap under the right circumstances. It really works in film like chase scenes, fights, etc. -very exciting.

I think a reason it prevails is that no one has created a replacement music form. Also, rap songs usually have a well defined message i.e., it is about something the listener cares about (whatever that may be).

Finally, watch the movie "Myra Breckenridge" from 1970 and see Mae West (related to kanye?)  doing the first known rap performance!

This makes rap 46 years old -not 30... (hey kids! Why are you listening to "old fashion" music? C'mon, invent something of your own!).

bdp24: I'm waiting for a revival of "Springtime for hitler" in hip-hop! O baby!

phasecorrect: Your final remark reminded me of this gentleman:

Charles H. Duell was the Commissioner of US patent office in 1899. Mr. Deull’s most famous attributed utterance is that "(The Patent Office should be closed because) everything that can be invented has been invented."
