What happened to the AM/FM tuner???

I want to add an AM/FM tuner component, but apparently no one makes this any more!! Every AM/FM tuner I see for sale is integrated with an amplifier, cd-player, or other thing I don't want/need.

All I want is an AM/FM tuner with RCA line level output - no built in amplifier, no built in cd player, nothing else!!
I highly recommend getting a Logitech Squeezebox and a good DAC and switching to internet radio instead of AM/FM. The Squeezebox gives you access to tons of channels and the sound quality is at least as good as FM in most cases. Using my Squeezebox I can access the streams of most of my local stations, although I seldom do because they all suck.
Try the new Sony HD Radio Receiver. It can be found on Amazon for $100 and supposedly it sounds great. People even complain that it does not have speakers to make it a "Radio".
I recently purchased a 1960 Sherwood S-2000 tube tuner for $15 at an antiques store. I replaced the broken dial string and recapped it with Sonicaps and 1 Auricap (output coupling cap) and it sounds Great! It's mono, but I really don't miss the stereo at all. It does have a separate MPX output (for forward compatibility with the not-yet-introduced FM Stereo). It pulls in the stations well and has a very liquid sound.
That said, I'm building the Bob Fitzgerald MPX converter to see how it sounds in stereo - for the price I can't go wrong.
I am also searching for a good FM tuner but also experience the relative lack of good classical music stations in the NY area with the exception of WQXR which has a lot of commercials during the daytime hours. I presently use a Vector Research VR 7000 as my tuner, with pretty good results, and although it brings in the station better than my Denon, I have no A/B switch in which to experiment. Does anyone have any knowledge of the VR 7000 receiver, and have any suggestions for a decent but not expensive tuner? I use it with my Musical Fidelity A5 integrated and Sonus Faber Home edition speakers.