Almost there but not quite....

I'm really enjoying my system at the moment however i'm hoping to introduce a tad bit of warmth and air to the music. At times i'm hearing a bit too much netrality this again could be due to the recordings i'm listening to

I'm asking for people's comments how to acheive this with my current electronics and room

I have pictures of my system posted in the virtual systems pages
If you have very good sound already, you could try some tube rolling. Amperex tubes sound very good in the Mantissa preamp...I use 7308's, or 6dj8's in mine. Both have very good sound IMO, the 7308's are focused and vivid...everything in it's place. The 6dj8's are less focused, more bloom...a little more forward sounding.

I have RCA clear tops in the front...(not, as big a deal).

Of course the room is some amount of problem, but you already know that. I suspect the long wall placement and near field listening, are the cause of a more neutral sound, and with less air. (probably not a bad thing in that room)

And you are right....sometimes it is the album, and not the system.

Thanks Dave for chiming in with your comments

I currently have amperex in both positions of the manitissa 6dj8 and 7316 the sound is very good. Part of the neutrality i'm hearing is my Mantissa is decked out with vcaps through out which imparts a very neutral sound and the Sason's are as neutral as can be but are highly musical (Well thought out Kudo's to RSAD guys)

At this stage I was hoping to warm things up a bit...perhaps adding a bit of warmth by way's of a tweak i've heard maple blocks underneath components or a Power cord in the right position could do the trick

Any further opinions appreciated
If you're looking to add a warm power cord, you might want to audition a VH Audio AirSine. Air and spaciousness are supreme. Get it with the Wattgate gold plated terminations for maximum warmth. You could also try the Porter Ports AC outlets, again a very relaxed, yet highly resolving piece.