
I'm curious to know how many of the audiophiles out there are actual musicians, or have formally studied music?

If so, what is your primary instrument or vocation?

What equipment do you use and, in an audiophile sense, what do you look for in the sound of your components?

I have studied classical guitar for about 8 years, with about 5 years of informal guitar prior to that. I find myself trying to get the most "realistic" and detailed sound from my components, more similar to a studio sound than to a colored presentation. My setup consists of martin logans, monitor audios, mccormack amp and passive preamp, meridian front end, msb dac.
My axe is a 1927 Luigi Mozzani. I've never heard a music reproduction system capable of producing the actual timbre, depth, power and lush sound of a violin.

There is a good explantion about this problem from Dr. Floyd Toole in his recent book about loudspeakers. Violin is devilishly directional as a function of frequency - different sounds go different directions....this instrument is a tough one to record - perhaps near impossible!!
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FWIW - it just so happens that on this very page right now - there are comments on four systems all with Evolution Acoustics MM3's. I haven't heard one yet but I 'd hazard a guess that drums sound pretty good on them (they have what it takes...)!
I play guitar, bass, drums and a little keyboards. My home studio is Cubase/Tascam based. I also have begun building Metro Amps from George Metropoulos and would love to build one for any audiophile musicians.

All the musicians I've known had relatively "average" systems and couldn't care less about sound quality. In fact, they thought it strange that anyone would care that much about sound quality to assemble a "nice" system.

Now admittedly these were all rock musicians so maybe their hearing was impaired. Some still say "huh?" a lot while sadly, some are no longer with us.