Circuit City is Closing, Liquidating

I know most of us here on this site probably don't shop there, but what impact other than the obviously painful loss of jobs. How does this bode for the other stores? More and better sales?

Trela is right, no one should take pleasure in the company going under. However, and this is a big however, my "customer experiences" (they really use these terms)at BB and CC were usually very similar to Lrsky and very disappointing. I never had any interaction with the "Magnolia" personnel, but most of their staff had little if any training, other than to push extended warranties mercilessly. I'm glad that Trelja had a good experience but lets not forget that BB, CC and the like are there to "push product". If you get what you want at a good price, its (from their standpoint) almost entirely accidental.
I have also had very poor experiences at CC but the one that blows my mind happened a few weeks ago at a hi end salon. I had recently sold a pair of speakers and had the budget to spend up to $20,000 on a pair of floorstanders. I told the salesman that I had just sold my current speakers and I was looking for some replacement speakers and my budget could be stretched up to $20,000. The salesman told me that I would need to set an appointment. (Remember they have a walkin retail store & I told him I have money to spend today) Now I know that some stores require set times so they can give you full attention but this was on a week day and the store was completely empty and there were two speakers already set up that fit in my budget. Perhaps he was working on another project or he just really didn't want to bother plus there was another salesman there doing nothing.
I later that day when to another audio store (call it store B)and the owner when out of her way to set up 3 different set of speakers and let me listen. I will never know what the other speakers sound like because I will never visit (store A) again and I will proably buy from
store B within the next few weeks.

My point is this, with the economic conditions being where they are today and being totally blown off by a high end store after telling the salesman that I have money to spend today some of these businesses deserve to go under. Perhaps this salesman was trained at CC.
Hi Bobheinatz,
Your story is not unique and I have run into this from time to time. Of the 5-6 higher end stores in my area, I would not step foot in 4 of them. Which is a shame to the customers(us) and to the manufacturers that that particular dealer sells. Some of the stores I have been to are much like your store B, and go out of their way to help. But too many are like store A. Perhaps they think too highly of themselves, or are just out of touch. While $20K is a lot of money for speakers, I know plenty of car salesman right now that would leap over themselves to sell a $20K car.

I for one am fed up with the snooty attitiude of dealers. If a crappy dealer has the exclusive agreement for a product line you are interested in your area, you are forced to go to that dealer alone.

I now contact the manufacturer if I have a bad experience. The internet goes a long way. If there are a lot of complaints against 1 dealer, it makes a difference. Good luck on your search.
I was in Circuit City last week, amid the liquidation.

The "deals" are lousy, with a no-return policy to boot. The help seems to have come from the outside, as simple questions about the merchandise were beyond them. Despite what I've previously written, the store definitely does not have my recommendation now.