Surfing and Hi-Fi

Hi all,

I was wondering how many people on this site Surf ( not the internet ). I was also wondering if it causes you any issues with your ears. I have blown both ear drums at least once over the years and after the last time (1 1/2 years ago ) my ears are always plugged after surfing, more the sinuses and Eustachian tubes actually. I have had my hearing tested and have great hearing still, the doctor said it is rare to see people with my level of hearing at my age (35). So my concerns are not really of hearing loss, but that annoying feeling of being plugged up, it really rolls off the highs. I have tried Sudafed and other similar drugs in an attempt to dry things out, it does helps a bit, but I don't know what the long term effects of taking it everyday are. Have any of you had this problem? Have any solutions? Earplugs and not surfing are not options.

Samhar, with the kings reef comment on my systems page, I assumed you surfed. My wifes ears are 90% closed from cold water bone growth, but she hates ear plugs too. We will both check out the plugs from spain, I think I have seen people wearing them here. They might work up my nose? Water isn't getting stuck in the outer ear side of the eardrum, it's the nose/sinus/eustachian side. Interesting you mentioned the compensation for hearing loss with plugs. I tried for 1 month and hated it, your hearing and vision are so connected it felt like surfing with blinders on. I figured I would rather blow my eardrums every few years and deal with it, then having to deal with plugs everyday, it really affected my surfing.

Mr photon, is a neti pot a tool, or an additive to the saline? If you mean flushing out the sinuses with saline, that is what happens everytime I go surfing, any wipeouts, and there are usually many, and I can drain about 1/4 cup of salt water from my right nostril ( the most recent eardrum burst ) so there is no problems with getting the saline up there.

Thanks for your replies
A neti pot is something like a miniature watering can that holds saline solution for rinsing your sinuses. Just google "neti pot" for more info. Again, no idea if what helped my wife would benefit you. The basic benefit of nasal irrigation is that is helps keep the eustachian tubes functioning normally.
Have you tried the exterior nose pincher that seals the nose closed for swimmers ? I have a friend who's problem sound similar to yours and he uses this for surfing with great results, no water in his sinuses.
I've taken cold water Sex Wax and blended it with cotton in a pinch, worked very well actually.

I've been on sudafed for probably 50+ years in one form or another and my hearing is fine, all due to asthma and allergies. Take it daily at least once sometimes more. No real long term side effects that I've found yet but then who knows as time goes on.
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