Surfing and Hi-Fi

Hi all,

I was wondering how many people on this site Surf ( not the internet ). I was also wondering if it causes you any issues with your ears. I have blown both ear drums at least once over the years and after the last time (1 1/2 years ago ) my ears are always plugged after surfing, more the sinuses and Eustachian tubes actually. I have had my hearing tested and have great hearing still, the doctor said it is rare to see people with my level of hearing at my age (35). So my concerns are not really of hearing loss, but that annoying feeling of being plugged up, it really rolls off the highs. I have tried Sudafed and other similar drugs in an attempt to dry things out, it does helps a bit, but I don't know what the long term effects of taking it everyday are. Have any of you had this problem? Have any solutions? Earplugs and not surfing are not options.

Have you tried the exterior nose pincher that seals the nose closed for swimmers ? I have a friend who's problem sound similar to yours and he uses this for surfing with great results, no water in his sinuses.
I've taken cold water Sex Wax and blended it with cotton in a pinch, worked very well actually.

I've been on sudafed for probably 50+ years in one form or another and my hearing is fine, all due to asthma and allergies. Take it daily at least once sometimes more. No real long term side effects that I've found yet but then who knows as time goes on.
Update, last week, after 1 1/2 years of being plugged, my right ear just cleared and fluid ran down the back of my throat. For the first time in almost 2 years I could hear so clearly I was afraid to move, I was afraid to go to sleep because it might not be there in the morning. It lasted for about 3 days. Thanks for the suggestions, the Neti pot actually worked quite well....most of the time, I also feel better about taking the Sudafed for the last year. I went to the ent today and found out that after breaking my nose 3 times I deviated my septum pretty bad which would account for all the symptoms, nothing to do with the eardrum. It is so bad he couldn't even fit a small scope up there to look around, and he froze the right side of my head.
I have a surgery scheduled for June, I am excited.

Thanks Again.
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