Sound Insulation

I'm considering purchasing some material to mask some mechanical noise from a component in my rack.

I was considering 3/8" ultra-soft polyurethane (sorbothane) sheet, or perhaps some flexible polyimide, or flexible polyurethane (all sold at

Other ideas?

Heat is not an issue. I only require about a 12"x12" piece.
Hi Tivad,

Here's another alternative from Monoprice:


You should be able to find something from here:

Tvad, Why not put some flesh on your question?

What is the noise source?
What kind of component?
How do you percieve using the materiel? Just as a pad between the component and the shelf. To enclose the component? To line a cabinet/box? etc.

BTW, if it is transformer hum, and the component sits of a shelf in the open, I have gotten little relief from putting sound absorbent materiel between the component and the shelf. I've used heavy dense sound aborbing foam as well as sorbothane. I always got the best benefit from damping the transformer itself.

Kenk168 and Seasoned, thanks for the excellent suggestions and resources! I'm
going to order the 3A Link All Althorn Absorption Wads, and start there.

Newbee, it's drive/fan type noise.
Received the 3A Link All Althorn Absorption Wads, and it works like a charm.

I think I'll use the extra sheets to line a couple component case interiors to provide some damping.