You are a KEEPER or a SELLER?

Everyone tends to collect stuff. But some are better at shedding excess stuff than others. I find it hard to sell stuff nowadays.. I can remember stuff I DID own and sold, much to my later regret. And stuff I bought and for my life can't figure out what I was thinking when I bought THAT chunk of junk. So my question is;
Are you a KEEPER, or a SELLER? or a little of both?'Just how many extra bits and do-dads do we each have tucked away? Some have dozens of slightly used cartridges in a cigar box. Other had a garage filled with exotic electronics. Another piles of cables.. Some all of everything.Then those spare, remarkable folks who have one perfect system with NO junk in storage.
Anyway, i have extra stuff. i currently own FIVE turntables and tell myself constantly to sell at least two of them.. I have two amps, three preamps, seven Cd spinners... A closetshelf full of various interconnects (I just hate them getting tangled up)
Extra powerline conditioners, I have way too many..
Stuff i WISH I had: piles of NOS tubes.. A few more great carts.. just to sit there...
This is all BESIDES the music.
What've YOU got?
What you do sounds similar to what I do. I have a lot of extra cables and power cords laying around. Once a year or so I get around to cleaning out the closet. At one point in time I did have a couple extra cartridges laying around, but I seemed to have broken that habit. It was the constant mounting that drove me away. It's much easier to swap cables and power cords than cartridges. I have a few choice NOS tubes laying around, plenty to play with, but I wouldn't say I have 'piles' of them.

Curious though....what's the thrill of having them 'just to sit there'? I like extra stuff to play with when I get bored, but I can't see buying stuff 'just to sit there'.

You need to get you on that A@E show called "Hoarders".I bet they will pay you a lot of money for your story.You could add a few embellishments like,my problem is so bad that I'm neglecting the spouse,the kids,the pets,the bills,eating,sleeping,etc.Maybe throw in an alcohol or drug problem also.The viewing public eats this stuff up..If you need an agent,I'll be happy to represent you,for a modest fee of course!!!
I'm somewhat of a keeper, although now and then will go on a selling spree to clear out stuff I'm sure I no longer want. There are a few of pieces I kind of which I had back (some amps, a pre, one table).

Being an empty nester with a second (vacation) home, I rationalize I need a system in every room of the house, so they all get used to some extent. When I find stuff sitting (or all of the rooms are "equipped", that's when I look around for surplus that I sell.
Sorry, I do not fit the "Hoarders" pattern. I throw too much stuff away. In the past, I have collected hundreds of operas, then gave them away to my local library. Then I have had other collections and dumped them over the years... three years ago i was moving, and discarded half of the 12,000 LPs I then owned. Just gave 98% away and the last 02% sold locally. i have kept weeding the collection as it has gained since then, as I have made myself a rule that the LP shelving I currently own is all there is gonna be. If it doesn't fit, something has to go. Recently with the huge influx of used Rock Cds I have been buying, i need to put up some shelves, but those too will get cleaned out bye and bye...........
Now if i could just get rid of the 176,560 newspapers i have stored in my bedroom... (that is just a stupid joke.. I do NOT have ANY newspapers...?)
A little of both. I'm sorta getting to the point I'd rather not be a "gatherer". Bill