You are a KEEPER or a SELLER?

Everyone tends to collect stuff. But some are better at shedding excess stuff than others. I find it hard to sell stuff nowadays.. I can remember stuff I DID own and sold, much to my later regret. And stuff I bought and for my life can't figure out what I was thinking when I bought THAT chunk of junk. So my question is;
Are you a KEEPER, or a SELLER? or a little of both?'Just how many extra bits and do-dads do we each have tucked away? Some have dozens of slightly used cartridges in a cigar box. Other had a garage filled with exotic electronics. Another piles of cables.. Some all of everything.Then those spare, remarkable folks who have one perfect system with NO junk in storage.
Anyway, i have extra stuff. i currently own FIVE turntables and tell myself constantly to sell at least two of them.. I have two amps, three preamps, seven Cd spinners... A closetshelf full of various interconnects (I just hate them getting tangled up)
Extra powerline conditioners, I have way too many..
Stuff i WISH I had: piles of NOS tubes.. A few more great carts.. just to sit there...
This is all BESIDES the music.
What've YOU got?
A little of both. I'm sorta getting to the point I'd rather not be a "gatherer". Bill
I work at a Transfer Station where people come to throw their trash away and everything else. I have quite a collection of "projects" in my garage and basement. Things thrown in the metal dumpster: Conrad-Johnson Premier III, SAE, Aragon, Fisher,Yamaha B-2,Yamaha-Pioneer-HK-Marantz receivers, pro gear;Speakers: Yamaha NS-10, Dahlquist DQ-10, AR, Advent, M+K sat sub,Ohm, Fourier, ADS, Celestion,etc....SME II arm, Thorens, B&O, Technics. Thousands of records from the mistreated tunes of our youth to large collections of well cared for classical. Thiel, Allison, the list goes on. Now for the stuff I've bought:Ampzilla, 2 Sons, AEA amp, Mission speakers, Fried speakers, wire and IC's galore, nothing special though.
Good work E,they still dont get it.They forget you do this every year with great results I might add.......
I'm definitely a keeper. I keep telling myself that I'm really just saving it for when my daughters move out or something. My sister-in-law asked me to put together a home theater for her and now that I've got most of it, I don't want to part with it. I'm constantly upgrading my cables-from cheap to Monster to Aq or so. At least I will share the lower ones with fellow teachers but not permanently. It is my selfish streak.
I've tried to force myself to become as ruthless as possible about "selling stuff off". Especially if I'm not using it. And I've gone thru the mental gymnastics of selling some really nice things, not just audio, that "I thought I had to keep". The items that I sold & really liked, I got good $$ for, & used the money to do/buy other things with.

If you sell whatever it is for FMV, you can usually replace it....& it feels so good when you have a less cluttered house.....