Hard of Hearing Headphones for TV

My dad hearing is going downhill. He has become unbearable to watch TV around. His complaint about hearing aids are that they make it louder but not clearer. After a ton of research, I've come up with a couple of questions that I need help with:
1-A company TV Ears makes a great claim about transmitting in mono for wireless headsets. They stated that since everyone's hearing loss is not equal side to side that it works best. Any thoughts? I could probably do this with Y cables for any headphones.
2-Sennheiser has some really nice wireless headphones, 410, for TV. Anyone play with these?
3-AKG has a wireless system, 840, that seems very nice but a bit cumbersome.
Who has played with any of these? I'm not afraid of price. I even lent dad my AKG 701's but the cord and size were annoying for him. It looks like I'm going to be spending anywhere from $75 to $300???
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the input. The stereo route won't work-he'll blast everyone out! He has no sympathy and doesn't feel left out.

How long do the batteries last on the Stereo Ears?
I picked a pair of Sony MDRRF970RK 900 MHz Analog RF Wireless Headphones for my 98 year old mother and she really likes them. These come with a recharging stand have been working well for 2 years now.
I highly reccomend the Sennheiser 140 wireless phones. They have a compression circuit that will enhance the TV dialog. My mother is 87, wears glasses and finds this Sennheiser model comfortable to wear and TV dialog much easier to understand. Try Amazon.com or J&R Audio. I think this is the best of the lot for your purpose.
While headphones will help I suggest you encourage your dad to return to the audiologist who fitted the hearing aids. Aids should be able clearly and intelligible hear speech, and do it under all contidions. I know, as a hearing aid wearer for over fifty years. The hearing aid technology today is more then capable of handling clear speech under every condition. Yes, there are hi-fi hearing aids and they are not expensive.

The issue really goes beyond the TV, in that he will not be hearing other sounds, like the speech of his grandchildren, kids etc., much more important then the TV.
Buconero117: If you don't mind, could you mention specific brands and models of hearing aids you would recommend? Thanks.