So, what DON'T you spend money on?

OK, most of us have stereo systems that tally in the five-figure range -- more than many peoples' automobiles, inlcuding perhaps our own. ;-)

Last week in an attempt to self-justify recent hobby expenditures, I started drawing up a list of things that more "normal" people would own or spend money on, but which I choose not own. To wit, I am 34 and married and do not have a:

Cable Bill
Blu-ray player
Smart phone
Car payment on my '03 Mazda

.... How 'bout you?
I like nice clothes and have a car payment, student loans, a mortgage, cable, a new lady, and a stereo without a preamp. I got off track.
There's nothing that has been previously mentioned other than drugs that I don't spend money on...and if it weren't for the smoke, I'd probably spend money on the occasional spliff, too.

But, smoking interferes with cycling.

Really odd thread. Usually, the chest puffing is all about where money *is* spent. Now, the chest puffing is about where the money *isn't* spent.

I guess the moral of the story is the satisfaction of puffing one's chest, regardless of the topic.
Tvad - you should investigate those smokeless combuster units made in Germany for healthy extraction of THC molecules!

I agree that many do trade off stuff for investment in good sound. Usually those things aren't in our value system anyway, so we don't miss them. For me, for example, a fancy expensive car or big fancy home or designer clothes. I would say the one area where spending money on audio has cut into my lifestyle is reduced travel. I do feel like my priorities are shifting a bit - now that I've got $$$ invested into audio, I'm finding that I can get more satisfaction for the next dollar spent on some other home improvement projects: bathroom, garden...
One of my current favorite free hobbies is surfing the web for great large pictures of art, i can save to my laptop. I currently have over 5,000 good resolution (1000 by 700 minimum) great art, fish, coral reef, and sundry pics I find interesting (Nudibranchs.. never knew about them before.. wow.)
I just let the screensaver flip through randomly every 10 seconds.
I go backa delete the less interesting, so the collection quality is going up all the time. Finding a specific site with great pics is a joy.
My one guilty pleasure of this is keeping pics of dolls. i find fashion dolls to be very interesting, and the clothing is really fine from some hobby makers. I have 700 pics alone of dolls all super cool with repainted faces that look totally real, so much so that for many, only that one can see the joints allows one to know it's a doll.
Anyway, hobbies that do NOT cost money are a cool way to save. Also ones that have a small initial investment, and endless rewards (running, bicycling etc) are cool too.
For the guy worried that this is another pissing contest. i think it reflects more on his attitude than everyone else pissing away... LOL (and my pissing is not gonna win ANY contest anyway!! I COULD cheat and load up a squirt gun though...)