What does it take to have a revealing system?

I have to heard it said that a system is not revealing enough for a certain component to really show off what it can sound like.

What does it take to have a revealing system?
Get a decent pair of headphones and a suitable amp.

There is no more practical way to reveal what is in the music.
Finding and eliminating the weakest link in the chain over a long time, can lead to a high resolution system.
For example, i bought a Sony SCD777ES ten years ago.
All that time it has sounded only as good as the other CD transports I own via an Adcom DA700 (tweaked with antistatic foam, and all via power conditioners)
Well FINALLY the Sony sound a little better than the DAC. After upgrading nearly everything else!
So the Sony always did have the ability to sound better.. I just did not have the rest of a system that could show it.
So it is ALWAYS some parts holding back others. Finding and fixing those problem parts is the key.