What does it take to have a revealing system?

I have to heard it said that a system is not revealing enough for a certain component to really show off what it can sound like.

What does it take to have a revealing system?
Get a decent pair of headphones and a suitable amp.

There is no more practical way to reveal what is in the music.
Finding and eliminating the weakest link in the chain over a long time, can lead to a high resolution system.
For example, i bought a Sony SCD777ES ten years ago.
All that time it has sounded only as good as the other CD transports I own via an Adcom DA700 (tweaked with antistatic foam, and all via power conditioners)
Well FINALLY the Sony sound a little better than the DAC. After upgrading nearly everything else!
So the Sony always did have the ability to sound better.. I just did not have the rest of a system that could show it.
So it is ALWAYS some parts holding back others. Finding and fixing those problem parts is the key.
There is always some weak link in a system to some degree. There is a loss of sometimes 25% to 50% of the original event due to losses in the recording limitations we have today. This according to a friend in the recording industry. Thus, do not be overly concerned with "revealing" but with musical and whether you continue want to listen to music. That is the test. Enjoy, jallen