Soundstage depth and width

Which one is more important? It is the depth to me, I don't tolerate flat sound.

I think we can all agree on a "three dimensional image"; what is most interesting, is how the various components contribute to that image. I'm curious to learn what others know in regard to this.
depth and width are not part of the definition of music. timbre deifnes the sound of an instrument and distinguishes it from other instruments. the goal of creating accurate timbre is more important than a concern with an artifact of music.

absolute accuracy of timbre is unrealistic. however, it is certainly worthwhile to try to attain a reduction in errors in timbral representation.
depends on music you listen to....I would rather have the full dynamic spectrum, then depth or width, but of course it all comes together, so here you go! Get speakers and amplifiers, which can do 110-120 dB in your room and you will have it all.
Live acoustic music is performed in three dimensional space as far as I know so it certainly is part of the music. Studio recordings vary in their spacial arrangements. And electronic music can have depth or not whether is live or studio.
Also, silence is just as important part of music as sounds. It too can be either flat or not.