true confession

my brother was in town so he wanted to hear my new configuration. we had been out shooting that morning[ with ear protection of course] and very hot so i was not paying much attention. he listened for a few minutes and made some obligatory comments about how good it sounded then asked me a few probing questions about the image. i gave a very detailed explanation of what i thought i had achieved with my latest breakthrough mods and placement. after he headed back to kansas i walked thru the room and saw the mono light was on!!!! i guess when i handed him the remote one of us inadvertantly had hit the button. i called him and demanded he turn around and bactrack 50 miles to listen again. hahahah. anybody else got a story like this? i felt like a idiot....but he is used to humoring me. ha
viridian, in mono the soundstage was right between the magnepans and when i put the stereo mode on the image opened across the entire end of the room. i have read about people enjoying the beatles and other recordings that were done in mono. is this what you are refering to? thanks , because in my room i don,t think you would have preferred the mono set on.
Thanks Hotmail, I'll take your word for it; you were there, I was not. But to answer your question, no that's not what I was referring to. I simply find mono to be more natural no matter if the original recording was recorded in mono, or not.

I simply don't hear imaging in the concert hall in the way that I do in a stereo setup. Mono doesn't get there either, it's just quite a bit closer, IMHO.
Good show, Hot. As to the theme, about 20 years ago a friend and I observed that some tiny Missions sounded better than some other big speakers in a showroom. I was informed that they had blown tweeters. We listened again, they still sounded better!