Stillpoint Ultras anyone?

Has anyone tried these yet? I bought a set of 3 of the steel version recently, having heard some positive discussion. I tried them for some time under my TW Accustic Raven one on a wall shelf and Leema Antilla CDP, against my existing Stillpoints with Risers and Black Ravioli footers. The difference, well marginal at best, a bit tighter base and better dynamics, the music sounded subjectively louder. Did I think the difference worth the cost? No I'm afraid I did'nt. Well actually I am not afraid come to think of it. The thought of the cost of replacing all my footers with Ultras, as some have done, would have been daunting. I am sure others have definitely heard a big difference.

I can almost hear the chorus response, your system, ears or both, are'nt up to hearing a difference. Does anyone recall the Fairy Story about The Emperors New Clothes?
Just as big an improvement with Aluminum Ultras underneath my Modwright 5400es sacd/cd player. Better space, lower noise floor, better articulation of each note especially bass. More holographic. Same effect as Ultra SS had on Clearaudio Innovation table. Stuff floats in space with better front-back staging, and is better defined in that space. Very good effect.
I had my Krell SACD player on top of a Stillpoints component stand, with the Delrin footers that come with the stand.

I replaced the top footers with the Ultra ALs and immediately and undeniably heard a big difference, along the lines described by Podeschi.

Now here's the strange thing. I then replaced the bottom Delrin footer with the older Stillpoints cones, and the sound got even better. However, I had one extra Ultra AL, so I replaced one cone with it - and I could hear an improvement. So I went ahead and bought more Ultras, and now I have the Krell sitting directly on 3 Ultra ALs screwed to the component stand, which is then supported by another 3 Ultras.

Amazing sound. Once you hear what it does to the front end, there's no going back. Beautifully resolved textures, no harshness or sibilance, and wonderful airy soundstage.

Wondering if the Ultra SS would improve things even more?...
Glaucon is smart. In a similar vein, I put four aluminum ultras under my Modwright 5400es, but then added a 5th ultra SS under the transport added to the goodness...more solid imaging with more palpable bass all the way around. Best to experiment and add stuff to the equation. More is better in this regard.
Podeschi, do you have the Ultras pointing up or down? Are they directly in contact with the component or shelf, or are you screwing them into risers? I've done a little experimenting, and I find they work best pointing down, and screwed into the component stands.

Also, are the SS Ultras significantly better than the AL Ultras?
Glaucon, yes the Ultra SSs are better than the AL versions. I directly compared them. You would never consider buying the AL once you heard the SSs, unless your supper would not exist were you to buy the SSs. The SSs obsolete all prior isolation. The ALs do not.

But the SSs now are obsoleted again by StillPoints. The Ultra Fives are hideously expenses at $650 each! But under a $10k turn table they allow it to sound like a $40,000 turntable. In fact I have heard a $150,000 turntable that was very good but nowhere near what I heard with them under my tt.