Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced

Enough with the glowing accounts and positivity. What equipment have you bought in the last couple of years that you either just hated or thought sounded good but was significantly overpriced? Dish it out.
These threads make me laugh. Over priced tweaks are just that, over priced. You might think they make your system better, but they don't. Once again, ever hear the old saying about a fool and his money being soon parted? Yes, i've tried/listened to them. If you believe they work, thats all that matters. For you, they work, I guess.... I am, and always will be in the show me the proof camp. I've yet to hear a quantum tweak I would spend a dime on.
I'm with Zydo. Hook up a bunch of overpriced tweeks to a Bose wave system or a system that uses seperate speakers and it should sound as good as a full blown MBL system. Right?
i agree some on tweaks for expensive ones. they seem a scam. Though anyone can make plenty of them cheap..
Not so much in agreement on cables.
I view cheap tweaks as fine tuning.
Like say you make the same cake everyday. (cake=system use)
So you try a little less salt, OK, tweak.
Or a little honey insead of all sugar. tweak.
Or add sprinkles to it. tweak.
Or add butter to the frosting tweak.
It is still yes the same damn cake you had, but it is tweaked. and may be a little more emjoyable for it.

Cable are also fine tuning a bit.
i am not so hot personally on expensive cables. as mentioned, better to spend big money on basics.
But a few bucks does seem to help.
Like i was very hesitant to blow money on Pangea upgrade cables at a few hundred a pop. But i did buy four of them, and it is OK. That much is really over my self imposed budget, but i splurged. They sound good, and make the system a tiny bit better, and i can hear it. So OK, good enough.
I am actually sending one back. As one was big deal plus, two pretty good plus, the third a little plus, but the fourth just no any positives. (and i tried it all sorts of ways, just no better.) i would rather try my luck with $300 worth of Kimber 12TC!!! over my 8TC.
I have no problem with folks who think any expense for cables is foolish. We all have our priorites.
I felt bad i criticized another member about Bybee $4,200. gizmos.. (the real thing is he put them on a pair of $700 cablees???) I guess if i were wealthy, I might try them. Seeing I am decidedly NOT wealhty, I'll keep my 'spare' $4K for important stuff. Like FOOD. LOL
I had a set of those $800 Reimyo wooden footers. Got them here for a few hundred buck. Very nicely made and all, but I just didn't hear much value in them. Of course, footers are very component and system dependent, but they just seemed very overpriced for what they were and did. IMO.
Anything "Quantum". No comment on if they work or not and the value for money is up to the purchaser but that said I really hate vendors who trot out the quantum tag with some nonsense about how it uses some proprietary quantum process. Sorry bit off topic but........