Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced

Enough with the glowing accounts and positivity. What equipment have you bought in the last couple of years that you either just hated or thought sounded good but was significantly overpriced? Dish it out.
I loved the Rolex I had. I sold it and invested in gold silver plat and finally got my hands on some rhodium. With the profits I make I'll get another Rolex for a lot less than I paid for the first one. At least it will do something. TWEEKS don't. Keep right on fooling yourselves. Maybe someone could try using Shakti's as speaker stands with still points under them, and whatever you do don't forget bybee bullets. Let us know how the combo works for you. Maybe I'll try a silver brick on top of my components and some stacked gold coins under the feet. I'll bet the sound is amazing.
Is suspect if one rings that bell enough it can make almost anything sound good from there!

David, I was not the least bit insulted. I think most things can be measured. Maybe not by me at home, but it can be done. That being said, if you read a review, and something tests better on paper, it doesn't mean that it will be more pleasing to me. (or you for that matter) The fact is, I believe you should be able to test something and show it makes a difference. Good or bad, who's to say? What I enjoy, you may not, and vise versa. I might love something that tests poorly. The claims by sellers that have no reviews, or scientific back up, seem a waste of time. I'm always willing to listen, but i'm a sceptic. Someone that thinks it has to help, probably hears something different. If thats the case, for them it does. Myself, I have a real hard time spending money on those things. I wish these posts could go on without the insults that always end up ruining the discussion. I'm afraid my answer earlier may have seemed like it was directed at a single person, or company. It wasn't. For that, I apologize. It just happens to be what came to mind. The people that sell these things might be very passionate about what they sell. I would love to be able to have one of them come to my home, and set their stuff up. If they could convert me, anything is possible.
Well said Zydo. For me I'm OK with claims that have no scientific backup. Frankly the cost to test would bankrupt many companies (depending on the test of course) and likely not convince anyone. What chaps me is a half arsed scientific sounding explanation that I know is BS. Some devices are certainly explained using quantum physics/mechanics, but thats free because everything in the electromagnetic/gravitational/nuke world is governed by this. Be like a speaker company claiming their stuff is the best because they tweaked gravity or that gravity affects their components equally due to some special treatment. May well be a fab speaker. not a fab explanation. Problem is that may folks can pick up on this even without being a gravity expert and its not unreasonable to draw conclusions even hearing the things. In a large part Im with Elizabeth on this as it offends me to think of innocent people getting cheated. They may well not but I lump the product together with the explanation right or wrong.
David12, so you were comparing the original Stillpoints to the new Ultra SS's, as opposed to the difference between Stillpoints vs. nothing which is what I would be most interested in.