Selling dispute. Please comment.

I recently sold a pair of mono amps and checked the box that indicated the original manual was included. I never use the manual for something like this and just assumed the manual was in the box as there were some various papers from the manufacturer in the boxes.

The buyer got the amps safely and they are in perfect condition as described. I shipped the same day the item sold. Unfortunately the manuals were not in the boxes the amps came in. These were the original boxes, but the manuals are not there according to the buyer.

I sent him the link to download the pdf of the manual. He is not happy with that. I offered to print a color double sided copy (on good stock) at Kinkos for $20 (at my expense) and ship that to him. He says that the original manual was promised and that I have to deliver that to him. And that he dervers two of them since the amps came in two separate boxes. He is threating to kill the deal and dispute with audiogon and paypal.

I admit that I'm in the wrong for mis-stating that the manuals were included. I will attempt to order the manuals from the manufacturer on Monday, but I don't know that the manufacturer will provide them even if I pay for them.

I'd appreciate comments regarding this problem. Thank you.
Wow, I'm shocked regarding the outcome. I was in the camp that he just had buyer's remorse.

In any case I'm happy for you. I will be thinking very carefully about checking that 'original manual' box from now on as I usually take it to mean 'do I have whatever original paperwork there was' and not specifically a 'manual'.
I'm glad everything worked out for the both of you. I wouldn't leave feedback either. I DO think that original boxes manuals and accessories are important though. I have all items for each unit in my system. It's nice to have a complete portfolio when possible. Thanks for the update and best of luck.
Now you can go back to that beautiful room of yours and settle into some tunes.
In re: rating something one number but saying it is another ("I'm rating it a 2 but really it is a 10"). I have no problem with that. As someone mentioned above, it provides leeway in people's different interpretations. I may feel something is a 9 but someone else may think It is a 10, but someone else yet may see it and rate it a 7. That's a big swing in ratings and, consequently, a big potential swing in value. To deal with this I think a better solution is a picture, giving your own interpretation. OTOH, I understand why some people find this annoying.