
Responses from aewhistory

Who is the best singer of the world ?
Geez, people have mentioned so many great singers:William Shatner, Kermit the Frog, William Hung, the Chipmunks, and more.  However, I think you guys have really missed the clear winner.  How many people remember the duo Barnes and Barnes?  Not ri... 
Favorite band or artist of all time?
Without a doubt it is Jethro Tull.  Not only do I enjoy the music but I find the lyrics and subject matter that Ian Anderson touches upon over the years to really hit many chords with me in my own life.  Stand Up alone has some treasures:We Used t... 
Mod my Citation amps?
Thanks guys, this is all awesome feedback!Have any of you, or anyone else, had their amps Modded?  Was it worth it?  If so, which sorts of mods?  I really wish I could audition the mods, but for a variety of reasons this just isn’t practical.  Som... 
Bi-amping Rules
What I don't get about the entire concept of using SS for low freq and tubes for high freq is there will always be a dramatic power differential.  So how can you begin to balance out the sound levels coming from your tweeter and woofer when the am... 
Need to Downsize: Small Speaker Recommendation
What about those Bose cubes?I'm just kidding!!! ;) 
What Is Your Favorite Vintage Amplifier?
I think the answers will conform heavily towards one's age. IOW, if you're a young'un then a ten yr old amp may be vintage, whereas for others it is stuff half a century ago. That said, my favorite vintage amps are my Citation 7.1s. Do those count... 
Amplifier Capacitance
Kijanki, thanks for that explanation, it was excellent. Do you teach electrical engineering by any chance? You, bombaywalla, and Atmasphere have done a magnificent job explaining very esoteric (to me) subjects. This is difficult to do, especially ... 
Amplifier Capacitance
I'm still working on some of this conversation, but could someone explain "time constant" to me? I'm assuming this is something like what it sounds, but I'm not sure. It sounds almost as if amplifier power supplies work like CPUs in the sense that... 
Amplifier Capacitance
This is more than I could have hoped for--in a good way--and I am extremely grateful! It will take me a little while to digest this, but there is a point mentioned by Atmasphere that I might be able to relate to. I recently bought an NAD 2600 with... 
Amplifier Capacitance
Thank you for a marvelous reply! This explains quite a lot to me, especially using a combo of larger and smaller caps for nimbleness as well as keeping a large reserve. I forgot that I had seen this before and wondered why.I still have some questi... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I haven't read this thread exhaustively, but my initial impression is that the Theta DACs have received relatively little love here. Why is that? I've always thought they were among the best in the biz? I have a Theta III and I LOVE it; best DAC I... 
Fuses that matter.
Hifitime, While what you're saying is absolutely true, because the sound/electricity is theoretically modulated by what it passes through and because you can't actually hear each and every one of these changes, it ultimately doesn't matter. Let m... 
Cap life span?
I like to rotate mine every six to twelve months. You know, so they get even wear. It sucks when you open up a case only to find one cap has all it's tread worn off and another looks brand new.Hmmmm.... I'm thinking if two different things.But ser... 
Do you ration your favorite music?
YES!!! Once per day is my rule. I can make the fun last for months. Sometimes, with truly exceptional works, even years. After awhile the emotional 'high' is gone, even if you enjoy the music, so for me this is really special. I have been able to ... 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
I really don't mind if you sit this one out.My word's but a whisper--your deafness a SHOUT!I may make you feel, but I can't make you think....--opening to Jethro Tull's Thick as a BrickOne of many wonderful moments penned by Ian Anderson. Probably...