R.I.P. Andy Williams

I remember looking forward to his Chrismas Special every year.
He will be missed.
Time has come today. I love Andy Williams. Blew away Old Blue Eyes. Bacharach is definitely at the top of the list. Is there another list?
A great talent, and by all accounts, a good man as well. He had an unusual quality that few male singers posess, (Gary Puckett and Glen Campbell come to mind) of having a very sweet high register, while remaining very masculine at the same time. I will miss him, but remember him through his music.
Fascinating that the film studio allegedly recorded his teenage voice as a possible overdub for Lauren Becall in To Have and Have Not. Like Lawrence Welk, a product of the middle-brow mid-west who managed to sing for America for a long and bland moment.
I grew up watching The Andy Williams Show with my parents and loved every episode. Music, comedy, you name it and Andy did it.

It's too bad that this is a generational 'thing'. Shows like his and others of his time helped build a foundation of culture that will never be duplicated. Too many things have happened since which will lead to a different way of thinking, expressing and appreciating. Boy am I sounding my age.

All the best,