Bryston B60 - Is it worth it?

I’m newbe in hi end. I bought used Bryston to be the heart of my system as reference device. Recently I find review in hifichoice . It describes Bryston as amp with sound problems. I’m wondering if it reason to be a stereophile grade B not a grade A amp? Or it related to much higher priced amps? Or it not so good amp and only this guys are honest? Many people who used and made comments about this amp on audiogon already sold it (at least I understand so from messages). They unhappy with amp? Should I go for another amp? Any comment will be appreciated.
It for small bedroom 9” x 11” with no real preferences yet.
Pair it with good front end and relatively effecient speakers (87db+, but in your small room, lower would work, too) and be happy. It will make great music without fuss or bother. It will be a very good match with BBC-style speakers such as Spendor or Harbeth. My B60 is very happy driving SP1/2s - in your room the S1, S3/5, SP3/1P or smaller Harbeths would probably sound great.
Agree with Ellery911,Ive had my B60 for a year now and love it. However, like most with this bug I am wondering about all the other amps out there! I am using mine in a 16x18' room with cathedral ceilings with Thiel CS1.5s. This little baby does a nice job with them but I wonder.....
Small room, should provide plenty of guts, the sound is up to your ears only (and assoc. equipment). Don't sell the amp short.
I had the B60 paired up with my Totem Arro's for about a week. I thought I found my match made in heaven - until I listened to the Blue Circle CS integrated. While the CS does not have a headphone input it does however best the Bryston in pretty well all areas of the audio spectrum, and it was half the cost in Canadian funds.