Int amp help

Looking to relace / upgrade on my 20 year old yamaha R900 int amp.

I have old infinity rsb speakers and newer Paradigm ref studio 20's.

I am interested in "bang for the buck" stuff with power enuff to spare. Would like to get new or last years model and am inclined to pay under 1k for this.

suggestions welcome.
Brian, were they talking about NAD in general, or about the 370, or both? Where is this discussion? Thanks.

I remain,
The discussion was about NAD in general, this was on an e-mail list, so there is no Web site to go to where you can view the discussion.
Your post didn't say if you wanted tubes or solid-state, are you open to tubes? I have had a Jolida 302B for about 2 months now, and I couldn't be happier. My dealer replaced the "interstage coupling capacitors" with models from Kimber, and I also got upgraded tubes all around. I recently got a matched quad of Electro-Harmonix EL34's for $40 here on the 'Gon. The last touch was a Music Hall power cord, and I am very happy with the performance of this nice-looking integrated. (I use a Sony 333SACD and am currently driving Triangle Titus monitors. Silver Sonic Q10 biwire, too.) If you get the chance to listen to a Jolida, please do. Your ears will thank you...
Chelillingworth - I have heard the C370, physically. Don't assume I haven't. I should have added that the LFD is only 50 watts. When I listened to it, the amp was driving a pair medium sized three ways to loud levels, so I assume that it will drive a pair of fairly efficient monitors. I agree that the C370 is a good deal, and it is only half the price of the LFD. Tonally, however, the Mistral is superior, and imo, also a bargain. Maybe jakeulate will not find that it fits the bill. Maybe, somehow, it is too little power. And maybe saving $550 is worth quality difference. I am suggesting it, not buying for him.