Int amp help

Looking to relace / upgrade on my 20 year old yamaha R900 int amp.

I have old infinity rsb speakers and newer Paradigm ref studio 20's.

I am interested in "bang for the buck" stuff with power enuff to spare. Would like to get new or last years model and am inclined to pay under 1k for this.

suggestions welcome.
Another one to consider is a used Classe Cap-80...more than enough for even Magnepan's and Martin Logan's. For more money the Classe Cap-100 and ARC CA-50 are worth a listen.
Chelillingworth - ok, sorry for the miscommunication. It would have helped if I was more detailed in my first post and more mature in my second. And sorry for the double post, the second was meant to be an edit. Good luck all.
Thanx to all for the feedback. I never immagined that I would get so many responses and appreciate all who took the time to post.

I am replacing my 20 year old components one at a time. I have a rega 3 with rb300 arm with origin live mods (purchased used here a year ago). A pair of paradigm ref studio 20's and and old pair of infinity RSB's (which I really enjoy)

My Yamaha r900 receiver has blown a channel for the last time. This is because I am tired of fixing it only to have it go time and again (man these run hot)

Seems the NAD meets the criteria which is a bang for th buck purchase with power to spare. I am without music now for a few weeks and need to get an amp before I go insane.

I am operating out of a small space and just cant see investing too heavily in things I wont be able to relax with and enjoy. I do hope to have a dedicated listening room in the future and will look into upgrading with some kewl used gear in time.

I did recently pick up an old Scott lk-72 tube amp and was impressed with the qualiy of the sound from this old unit.

Interstingly, I found that the LK-72 didnt seem to drive the paradigmes well at all but did have the minimum needed to push the RSB's along fairly well.

Both speakers are rated at 8 ohms so I am confused as to why they worked so differently.

The RSB's are so much larger tan the ref 20's that I just assumed they would perform less well with the same amount of power.

Any educational tipps appreciated and thanks again to all.

Some of the old Scott and Dynacos (ST70) are the very best deal out there if you are watching your $$ and have a little knowledge or friend who does. Great web sites for restoration if you are interested. Listening to them reminds you of how far the industry has not come.

I remain,