Plinius amp and Conrad-Johnson 16LS

I'm thinking about changing my system back to Plinius SA-100 amps (mono blocks) and maybe using a Conrad-Johnson 16LS pre-amp. Has anyone had any experience with these two together? The Plinius I'm trying right now has such great pace and slam but is lacking in the final warmth a tube pre-amp might add. The Aloia gear I've been using is all equal to the Plinius just not as much of everything. The warmth and lack of electronic sound of the Aloia is more pleasing to my ear, if I could have both...
I've had the Plinius SA-250 MkIV with my CJ 16LS for couple of months and agree that the Plinius has great pace and slam, but to me not even the CJ 16LS can overcome the Plinius's lack of warmth.
I have not heard the Plinius mono blocks but the other Plinius amps I have heard sounded a little brittle and one dimensional when compared to the Sim Audio hooked up to a 17LS for example.
I have spent the past two weeks trying some different set-ups with the Plinius. I've found it to be more sensitive to cables and footers than the Aloia. The Plinius can sound edgy and dry or can be very nutraul with the right footers. The Plinius I would not define as one dimensional, in fact the depth is amazing and very well defined. I guess it comes down to personal taste more than anything. If one was coming from Krell the Plinius would tend to sound too warm, where alot of the Plinius intrest has been from tube people, and the Plinius is not tube by any means. At any rate I ordered two Plinius 102-SA's to use as mono blocks, I continue to look for thoughts on pre-amps. I tend to like solid state and digitial over tube and vinyl. Just my personal taste. I find the slam, pace, imaging and dynamics of solid state to out weigh th warmth and glow of tubes. Again, I believe both are great directions and do not wish to start up that old war, Just my taste. I do tend to like a bit of a warmer side of solid state, thus the tube pre-amp has always been my choice.
I should also point out my budget keeps me from some of the elite gear that can do both extremely well. Maybe some day...