Under 1k integrated recomendations

I am looking to spend under 1,000 on a new or used amp to drive Sonus Faber Concertino speakers. My issue is that I only want to use a CD player and tuner with it... no tape/pre out/record loop etc etc. So much of what I see has a ton of features that I wouldn't use but am presumably paying for. All I want is a simple amp with great clean sound. Doesn't need to be hugely powerful, but cant be too weird looking to keep wife happy.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Linn Majik integrated amp or Linn Classik integrated amp with integrated CD player. $550 used for the Majik, $1000-ish for the Classik with tuner (older models are sans tuner). -Kirk
Audio Refinement Complete is a fine choice, can be found used for ~$600 here on the 'Gon.
look at
audio aero integrated there, very simple, elegant, great sound. also there's a kora integrated for sale on this site. both i believe are hybrid (tube input stage/solid state output stage) designs which are reliable and sound very good.