Tube Pre-amps for audition list

Plan to mate a tube preamp with a McCormack DNA-225 and PSB Stratus Goldi speakers. Also, am into vinyl and have a Lehmann Black cube, but am open to replacing it with a pre/phono combo if that seems best. Figure I'd like a tube pre to tame the very slight brightness of the McCormack. I find that I prefer a pre with remote but am, again, open. Have considered AI Modulus 3A, Blue Circle BC3, and Rouge 99. What would any of you suggest to make the short list for audition? Can spend about $1500 USED. Thanks.
Although slightly more than you want to spend, a used Klyne 7 series linestage may be an option. I had one in my system for a good while and found it a very neutral yet musical piece. Fabulous sounding and well made. I no longer have it, I've recently landed on the "no pre-amp is the best pre-amp" square, but it was one of the best pieces of gear I've owned, and fairly priced.
As Conrad-Johnson is the parent company of McCormack perhaps they will work well together.
I have a Sonic Frontiers Line 1 Special Edition. I love it. Its build is rock soild. Six 6dj8 tubes, 3-per-side to cancel out noise. Beautiful black and chrome finish. Remote control with everything on it including phase, display brightness and separate volume adjust for left and right channel to balance them out. Then it has a single main volume for over all volume control. Balanced and single ended inputs and outputs. And the Canadian dollar is week so we Americans can get them for less. Try, get their phone number and call. Ask for Kevin Deal he'll take care of you for a lot less than the MSRP. Also go to the Sonic Frontiers website and look at this unit. It is so worth the money and built to last a lifetime.
If going with a McCormack product, the TLC-1 pre is the better choice although you'll also need the external phono stage. It will take some digging to find one with remote; their deluxe version was made with remote. I once had this full lineup: McC Phono stage, TLC-1 Dx -R, DNA-1 Deluxe. It was a good combo at a good price.