Need more bass response

I'm in dire need of more bass to balance out the sound in my system. Granted it's not high, high end but safe to say I have a fair amount invested. It is a Belles 150 HotRod amp linked to a Rogue Magnum 99 pre. Source is a Rega Jupiter ( newest model) and speakers are PSB silvers. The Rogue has a 3 position gain knob which leaves me wanting for another notch higher.
I'm asking if I were to add or change any component, what would the peanut gallery suggest? The cables are not equal to the quality of my system (read: I'm not sold on the difference between cables) yet they are not crap.
Go ahead- I'll take my licks.
Thanks in advance.
Ever thought of adding a subwoofer? A musical subwoofer that is.

Sounds to me like you are hoping to get the PSB's and the Belles HotRod to go above and beyond.
i myself have moved away from rock recordings due to the poor recording/mastering. it almost seems as if most rock recordings are mastered for a boombox or car audio system.
I have a similiar problem with recordings, some of my favorite rock albums suck on my system. When I had inexpensive solid state gear my rock collection sounded decent. I think the problem is the quality of the recording possibly and the fact that a highend system will reveal what is good and bad. When I audition gear in shops I usually bring a couple of favorite recordings and a couple that are not so hot and have found that they still suck on even the more expensive gear. Cable upgrades are not snakeoil and will help, also look into robert harley's book guide to high end audio, he gives a advice on room acoustics. I think I remember him saying a square room is the worst possible situation but you can have. Goodluck
If jazz sounds great but not rock, it's probably not the system but the recordings that are causing your consternation. "From the Cradle" is hardly a mastering wonder. (Not to brag, but I've heard EC do most of that material in a club, so I have some basis for comparison.)

I certainly wouldn't do anything that would mess up your jazz reproduction. Adding a sub might be the ticket, though your Silvers are no slouch. Rearranging the room could help, but if it's your living room that's probably a no-go.

Here's a radical suggestion: Get an equalizer. Bypass it for good jazz recordings, but tweak it a bit on other stuff to see if it improves things. (Purists will howl, but it's not their ears, now, is it?)

Power conditioner? From a guy who has his doubts about cables? C'mon, you know better than that!
I have a Rogue 66 with a Rogue 88 amp. I replaced all tubes with Mullards (preamp takes 2 12au7's). I can't believe the base. I may have to put back one of the nos Philips that Rogue puts in from the factory to get a little shimmer back in. What I am saying is try a couple of Mullards if you want base.