classe/great customer service

my CA 200 (bought as a new demo) in 2000 recently died in one channel and i sent it to classe and they made it right and had it back to me in fla w/in 2 weeks, good as new.
Classe Audio may give "great customer service", but IME they no longer know how to repair their own equiptment.
Reb1208 - any substantiation? I like their sound and would like to get one to try out for a while. Thanks - Arthur
I no longer own any of their equiptment and never will again. Sent 3 pieces in for minor repais over the past 5 years and not one was repaired correctly. Not having the time to go into specifics- you"ll just have to take my word as substantiation. Believe me, this is not the same company as the products that were sold when David Reich/Glen Grue designed them. Buyer Beware!
I had a software issue with a Classe SSP-25. I called classe and they asked me to send the unit for inspection.
They sent me a loaner unit for 2 weeks, then informed me of a new software upgrade to the mainboard and also told me they were going to send me a brand new unit. That to me is great customer service!! I have never had a problem since then and currently own the ssp25 and 2 of their amps.