Looking for a great tube headphone amp

Any suggestions? I could go up to $1000.00. Also, any thoughts concerning the Grado RS-1 vs. the Sennheiser HD600 headphones?
I've owned an MF X-CanV2, Wheatfield HA-1, and ASL MG Head OTL. My preference and current amp is the MG Head. I like a tubey laid back amp with headphones so I use the transformer output rather than the OTL. All three are very good headphone amps. The Wheatfield can also serve as a single input preamp (which is how I got into the whole tube-based system). As described by the folks at the HeadRoom, the Wheatfield is less tubey and more dynamic. That same description has been used when talking about the Berning microZOTL (which can be used as a 1w amp). For a little over 300, the MG Head is hard to beat though. -- You can find interesting discussions of these and other headphone amps at www.head-fi.org. Good luck.
I'll cast my vote for the ASL MG Head amp driving the Sennheiser HD600. I don't find it excessively tubey, very good bass, excellent dynamics and revealing without being brittle, an excellent combination!
I second the Melos SHA1 or its relatives. Sounds very, very good and reasonable from a tube rolling standpoint. You get a pretty nice pre-amp in the bargain, too. I am a dedicated Stax man, but appreciate the Melos, also.
Interesting to see that I'm the only one here who didn't find the ASL MG Head DT to work to his satisfaction with the HD600's, hearing a consistent sonic signature across all of my sources that comparision revealed was endemic to the amp. For the record, since some of the above folks mentioned this, I did invest in a new pair of JJ EL-84's and burned them in well, but didn't find the sound a whole lot improved. I returned the unit for a refund, but I currently have no use for the upgraded tubes, which have a long life ahead of them...offers, anyone?