Reliability of Sonic Frontiers gear?

I would like to know of any experiences with reliability of older and newer Sonic Frontiers gear. I am interested in finding out what sort of break downs occur to either their preamp line up or their amp line up. What about reliability issues with SFL-2 or the newer Line Preamps?

I've used Sonic Frontiers pre-amps for near 10 years and the only problem I had was caused by ME-- when changing wires late at night with equipment ON etc-- you know the story. I can highly recommend their components. Cheers. Craig
I had a SFT Transport that would not track many disc's .

After sending the unit back to them , Sonic Frontiers answer at the time was my CD's must be made out of red book spec "nothing wrong with there $$$ Transport.
No repair , no refund, (even though these discs played on other players) to this day, I have never had another disc not play on my Meridian 508.24.

Finally, after posting my delema on one of the internet Audio sites at the time, Sonic Frontiers chimmed in supporting there claim that my Cd's were defective and refusing to help. This began sort of a thread war with the Chris's from Sonc Frontiers.
With alot of help from others on the net, Sonic Frontiers finally gave me my money back.

Anyway, don't buy a Sonic Frontiers Transport.
Had Power 3 and currently own Line 3 SE. As reliable as my Maytag washer. The ability to bias each power tube individually on the Power 3 is a big plus when tube burns out which will happen eventually. The parts inside the pre or power amps are beyond this world, easily surpass ARC or Conrad Johnson of the same price.