123 Reviews All 5"s For Odyssey

Has anyone visited the Audioreview website lately? Is The Odyssey that good to receive 5 stars on every review?
Judit's advice is good and I will add that I look for what they compared it to and is there any mention of the other products in their review.
The Stratos may just be that good. Of the dozen amps I've gone through in home, ranging to $3K, it is the best one I've heard by a large margin. I could only compare it with the $6K Parasound JC-1 monoblocks for competition that clearly betters the Stratos in some areas, but the Stratos isn't as far off as one might think; it is an overall well balanced amp, it makes beautiful music and does not draw attention to itself in the least (once it has warmed up!). I recently bought very inefficient speakers and will be trying the SE Odyssey monoblocks eventually, but the 2ch Stratos has done suprisingly well thus far, curisoty or rather the upgrade bug has just gotten the better of me. As mentioned above, give them a try, they have a 30day home demo so you have nothing to loose.
As a side note, not all of the reviews for the odyssey amps where in fact "5's," as some reviews have vanished, notably a couple recent ones questioning why some reviews have been deleted that where less then 5 stars! Conspiracy theories aside, still an amazing amp that must be heard to be believed.
How does the Stratos do when driving low impedance low efficiency loads ? Moncrieff has stated that this is indeed a very good amp and i "normally" trust him enough to believe what he says. However, how well the amp does into erratic loads may be another story. Anyone have experience with this ? Sean
Sean, I have been using the stratos monos to drive full range SoundLabs. I have been very happy with them. Pushing the stats barely even warms them up. For the price range I was unable to find anything in SS or tubes that I liked as well.