What's My Problem?

OK, here's the situation . . . . hoping some of you with more knowledge and experience than I have can help me out.

On 2-channel listening, my system sounds great at low levels -- say at 9 o'clock or less on my VPC-1 passive preamp volume. Lots of openness and air, good imaging, lots of space around instruments. Of course, dynamics and bass suffer, but that's to be expected.

Between 9 and 12, the sound starts to get harsher and the soundstage begins to close up -- orchestral stuff sounds much more confused and congested. Above 12 o'clock, it's really not worth listening to.

These aren't very high levels -- 9 o'clock is my "late night with the wife sleeping down the hall" listening level, and 12 o'clock doesn't get Verdi's "Requiem" to real-life SPLs.

My first assumption is that my amplifier just doesn't have enough juice. But the RB981 puts about 200 wpc into a 4 ohm load, and I would think that would be enough to get to at least decent levels, even with my admittedly power-hungry NHT 2.3As . . . .

Alternately, I thought that maybe the 9000ES/RB981 combo wasn't ideally suited for a passive preamp. I understand that component matching is critical here, but I'm not really clear on how it works . . . . the volume gets loud enough with no problem, it's just that the quality suffers.

Then again, it could simply be "louder=more annoyance from digital harshness," and I need to replace the 9000ES with a better Redbook CDP. But it seems to me that if the CDP was to blame, the soundstage and "airy-ness" wouldn't change much as the volume increased.

Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


I think it was the RB-981 that was recently reviewed in Stereophile. If that was the Rotel model that i'm thinking of, it was mentioned that the frequency response and overall linearity of the amp changed as power levels were varied. As such, you might be experiencing / hearing the same things that they made note of. Sean
Sean --

I don't think it was the 981 if it was a recent review -- the 981 has been out of production for a couple of years. However, if a new Rotel amp had that problem, then an older one might have it as well . . . . I'll have to poke around and see if I can dig up any reviews of the 981 from when it was a current model.


Hello Pat,

How big is your room? It is possible that when the sound level increases(volume), you are hearing more of the early reflections of the leading transients (reverberation)than the primary sound from your speakers.

Proper speaker placement will help you here. I found a suggestion here at Audiogon recently about "Principles and techniques of speaker placement" it is on the net at Http://www.immediasound.com/speaker_set-up.htm

Hope this helps!
Could you be overdriving the amp's input circuits? If so, why isn't the volume very loud? All the connections are done right, including the speaker wires? Probably a dead end here -- sorry for the incomplete thought. Good luck.