I Need to Mount Amps ON WALL+++

Any suggestions for racks that are designed to mount on the wall? This is the only solution to keep expensive , hot components away from the prying hands of my two youngsters. I have looked through a few catalogues (audio advisor, music direct) with no luck. I suppose I could rig a floor rack........thank you....Mark
I'm a steel fabricator by trade. I can build anything for a price. I've built brackets to suspend NHT 2.5i's from the walls. All my own speaker stands and audio racks over the years. Sounds like a simple shelf to me. Send me some dimensions (including weight), and let me know what your walls are made of.

TWL is right on target!!!
Children can learn not to touch, mine did. It's also good for them.
You could always get an audio cabinet with ventilation and a lockable door.
Yeah, I agree. Tie a scorpion to your tonearm or place a thousand upturned, sharpened brass cones around the audio rack. The kids WILL learn.