low cost integrated amp for newbie

I'd like some advice on a low-cost integrated amp for a starter system. Under $300 would be my preference. Used is fine. I wouldn't call myself an audiophile (yet?) but I appreciate good design & quality sound. So far the only audiophile piece I've got is a NAD 4300 tuner, purchased at the advice of a co-worker who was determined to woo me into the realm of high-quality audio gear.

I was running the tuner through my old Sansui RZ-5000 receiver which is gradually losing its functionality (thus the tuner purchase in the first place). It was limping along until my most recent move. Now it cannot transmit to either left speaker channel, so I'm on a mono system at the moment. The receiver has always been a nuisance to use, even when it worked properly. The design and quality of NAD feels like a breath of fresh air after dealing with such cumbersome equipment. I want more like it.

I listen to lots of talk radio, folk, blues, and electronica. Sometimes from the internet, usually the airwaves. Of course I play CDs too, but maybe only 1/4 of the time. I seldom play anything terribly loud as I have a small house with oak floors. I'd rather have speakers in every room than blast the volume from one spot.

My current speakers are JBL ("JBL82," they say on the inside plate), circa mid-1980s. I have no idea how they compare to anything else quality-wise, I inherited them from a friend. They sound okay. Not amazing, not bad, but okay. Eventually they'll probably go, too.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts, or feel free to point me to existing threads.
I agree with Mcfavre4. A used NAD C340 or C350 would be a good match with your tuner, and have sufficient power and flexibility to handle a wide range of speakers. A used Creek 4330 might also be a good choice, if you could find one within your budget.For and/or reviews on these amps, see:
Once you have an amp which is working properly and you've saved up some more money, you can think about other components such as your CD player, speakers, and interconnect cables and speaker cables; but one thing at a time for now.
You might give a listen to a Cambridge Audio A300 V.2. I have one in my bedroom system paired with B&W 303 bookshelf speakers. A very satisfying little system. I believe the Cambridge can be had at Audio Advisor for $250.00 new. Basicly a no brainer. I believe the Cambridge is designed by Mike Creek so in effect you are buying a poor mans Creek.Good luck in your quest and let your ears be the final judge.
How about a Jolida 102b? Used you might be able to find one for about $350-$400. I think that you'd like what this little amp does to vocals.
Don't be afraid to go with used, even 10 yo. NAD or Adcom separates if you find a used pair for cheap ($300-$400 for both amp & preamp I'm guessing?). I have a 12 y.o. NAD 2400 power amp, with a 1600 pre-amp/tuner. They both look good, sound good all considered, have a great remote, good tuner, etc. I'm using them as a 2nd or 3rd system right now. I know Adcom made similar stuff back then. Altho I think an integrated is a good idea, I wouldn't turn down "separates" either if you find a really good deal on a matched pair...........

good luck! steve