Tube amp kit. Where can I find it?

I`ve decided to build a tube amp .Would appreciate any help on where to buy a kit and what`s good. Has anybody had personal expierience of building one from a kit? I`m planning to spend less than a $1000.00. Thanks.
The above by Mindgap are very good.
I have experience with the Opera kits from and and can recommend them.

Both are very good for the money with lots of support online. There are a lot of modifications that can be done. Each has an online forum so you get a lot of help. A key question is how much power do you need, that is, what speakers are you using. The Bottlehead power stops at a 300b.

The Audio Asylum diy tube section is very helpful too if you have questions.

If you are just starting out I have a long list of online tube info you might find helpful. Drop me an e-mail I'll send it to you.

Good Luck
I remain,
...Don't forget to check Welborne Labs at:

Ron Welborne makes excellent sounding and well engineered kits that offer excellent value for the money.
Thank you everyone for help, at least now I know where to look. Would greatly appreciate any additional info.