2 Classe ca 100's vs 1 Classe ca 200 ?

I am debating on buying 1 claase ca 200, or 2 classe 100's using them in mono, I will be driving aerial 7B's, looking for advise on this, thanks
What do you all think of Classe amps? I've never evaluated the stuff critically, but it has always seemed such an attractive value from a watts per dollar perspective, plus good apparent build quality and nice looks. How does it stack up sonically with something like the Pass X series amps, Levinson, etc? Is it in the same league?
I am wondering the same thing myself. I am considering the purchase of a pair of CAM 200 monos to power my Magnepan MGIIIA's. The price seems attractive enough. I will be setting up an audition of them within the next few days.
i almost purchased a classe amp(s) to go with my classe preamp and cd player but in the end decided to go with a pair of odyssey monoblock amps. very similiar sound, but saved $$$$ compared to the ca-201, ca-301 and the cam monoblocks.
Samski, I own two CA-150's that power Aerial 8's and have found the match to be very satisfying. The folks at Overtures Audio and a fellow from Texas ,Jeff Wiseman, made the suggestion and the results are that you never run out of power and the dynamics are great. The Aerial's love power but clean power and the best front end you can afford. Steve P.S. The cables are important as you are well aware. SAL
Drubin, I was alluding to the bridging of the amps, which IMHO degrades the sound. Amps designed as monoblocks sound better than stereo amps bridged. I did own a CA-200 for a year or so, and it was a very nice amp. Warm, rich tonal balance, with solid bass. I'm currently using a Threshold T400 amp, which has more detail in the upper midrange and high's without any glare. I wasn't really looking for another amp, I was happy with th CA-200, I just happened to have a friend selling the T400 and I tried it out and preffered it. He didn't want the hassle of selling and shipping, so he made a great offer, I took it. I am still using a Classe preamp (CP-60) and I believe Classe equipment represents a great value when considering $$$ vs. performance.
