Bryston Vs Theta

G'day all. I've just purchased a pair of Dynaudio Contour S5.4's (to replace my KEF Ref 3's) as part of an upgrade and looking for a new amp to drive them. Tossing up between a Theta Dreadnaught 2 and a Bryston 6BSST(LCR)/3BSST(rear) combo (price almost the same here) for my system which is used 50:50 HT/music. Customer service at dealers is a major problem here in Hong Kong (they expect you to buy a $6000 piece of equipment without even listening to it!), so the best I've been able to do is hear these amps with Focus Audio speakers (Theta seemed to have bigger soundstage, but Bryston had better bass control). Must say the Bryston Rep here has been extremely helpful, but can't organise a direct comparison. Any comments welcome.
I've used A Bryston 4B SST and I am currently running a Bryston 14B SST. Bryston amps are precise and detailed with renowned bass and legendary warranty service. I don't know what the audiophile's term "Musical" means when used in connection with amplifiers, so I'm not going to use that term here, but to my ears the Brystons deliver everything that's on the source. Having said that, they are not forgiving. If your loudspeakers are naturally bright, the Brystons might not be the best match. However, if you're looking for excellent soundstage, detail, and bass they may be just the thing. I can't comment on the Theta amps. Anyone else care to?
Here's' a vote for the Dreadnaught. If I had not dismantled my HT system and gone back to 2-ch, it would have stayed forever...
The Theda Dreadnaught is one of the best 2-channel + multichannel amps on the market. I will never part with mine, unless I win the lottery, in which case I will run out and buy the Theta Mono Blocks.

Krell and Dyn is pretty typical, as is Plinius/Dyn

Just other options to explore...
you can buy into Bryston through audiogon, use them as long as you like and easily sell them again, all the time covered by 100% parts and labour and return shipping [if needed] all at a net cost of nearly nothing, I don't know anything about Theta, but from a business point of view, my guess is they don't/can't compare.