Best preamp for McCormack amp

I just purchased a McCormack amp (DNA-2), and I'd like to know what preamp you consider the best match. Thanks for your time.

OK....they're happy for the moment. Do you have a recommendation for a preamp? Is it best to stay with a preamp from the same manufacturer?
The TLC-1 would be one suggestion, from what you have shared about your system goals. It has the same look as your amp and not too expensive. I have heard good things about them. No remote, if that's important.
No necessarily. I have a DNA 225 and I run it with a First Sound Presence Deluxe MKI. It is a great combo. I have also heard that the ROGUE preamps, the 99 and the 66, which should be your price range will also fit the bill nicely. Furthermore, the DNA amp, retail price about $1795, with remote, I forgot the number, can be fetched for about $895....someone was selling it around here. The Sonic Frontiers preamps, SFL-1 Signature can also be had for about $700....a tube preamp will fit the bill nicely. Enjoy your pets and your new set up. I am surely enjoying mine now. PS: Also picket up a pound mutt back, one month after that big event in September 2001. I wonder if she enjoys the sound as I do.

McCormack preamp is good, tube preamps are good. What do you have now and what do you wish for in the way of an improvement?

There are so many choices and a fair number of good units, price becomes a big factor. You looking to buy used here at Audiogon again?