McCormack DNA-125/225 Upgrades

There has been much written here regarding the fabulous results of Steve McCormack's personal mods to the older DNA amplifier series (0.5, 1, and 2). Many of you know that I have been waiting for mods to become available to the newer DNA series (125/225). They are now available and I have mine scheduled to go in January (yes, there is a relatively significant backlog at this time). Steve is planning Gold and Platinum level upgrades, as opposed the the B, A, and A-gold, as in the past. These sound like very exciting mods and, if you are interested, call Steve for details.

Just a heads up to those who had wondered when these mods would be offered. By all accounts these mods are outstanding and will bring the 125 or 225 to the level of THE finest amps available.

I have nothing to do with SMCAudio, just a happy user of McCormack.

Bruce's review is just what I was referring to about credible posts from satisfied customers. Very articulate and descriptive. A single good review like that is very helpful to anyone who is trying to find their way through the maze of audio gear. Good job Bruce!

Mitch, we all have to try to place a comparative value on our purchases. You do have a good point regarding the additional labor of disassembly. For that reason, plus the additional cost of double shipping, I urge people who send in for upgrades to have as much done as possible the first time they send in a component rather than plan to upgrade in stages. The Siltech carbon wire, which was not available at the time of my upgrade, is one good example how you will save money. Be sure to read about it and you will see what I mean.
Posters here may get an ironic smile out of my last post on this other thread (1/30/04).
Zaik's - if that's a stock DNA 125 that you've got ... and you like it as much in a week as you do now ... then I believe you might seriously consider Steve's mods as a viable alternative to updating your other reference amp. There's noting subtle about the improvements wrought by Steve's mods. Just when you start asking "Could it get any better than this" ... it does.

Correct me if I am wrong, Steve, but the reference above that the DNA-125, DNA-225, and DNA-500 "differ only in power output rating" is incorrect, is it not? I was under the impression that only the DNA-500 was the full balanced, push/pull differential drive design. Am I right? If so, this would yield sonic differences above and beyond mere power output differneces, I would tend to think.

Tom, I'm awaiting the delivery of my DNA-500 and you are absolutely correct. When I asked Steve McCormack about any DNA-HT5 upgrades (I owned one) and whether it would then be on par with the 500, he kindly replied that there was nothing that he could do to the HT5 to make it sonically on par with the 500. As you said, it is a totally balanced push/pull design. Additionally, Steve wasn't under as much budget constraints regarding this ststement product.

