anyone biamping with B&K ST-140?

Anyone tried biamping with two B&K ST-140 amps? I want to biamp my Paradigm Studio 60 v.2 speakers. Any have this set-up? Also, any idea on the different ST-140 amps? I've seen some with handles and some without. I have also seen some with blue and red lettering and some without. Do I have to have two identical ST-140 amps to biamp? Will I need an external crossover? thanks
That darn sean!I thought that I was the B&K man because I use three in my HT rig,and have a spare in case one craps out.My serial numbers all range around #2900.They have a very warm sound that makes it quite easy to sustain three hours of lord of the rings.What my plans are for the three in active use is send them (drive them,I live near Buffalo)to B&K.Have them biased together.Then split the signal from my left,center,right and use one amp for each speaker up front.Remove the jumpers and one side will power highs and the other side will power the bass.Good luck.
Kg: My Brother is using an ST-140 for his tweeters, an ST-202+ for his mids, a dual mono ST-202 for his woofers and a dual mono 442 for his subs. All of the amps are heavily modified and actively crossed over at 24 dB's / octave. The speakers are a vertically mirror imaged array consisting of a tweeter located in the center, a 5" mid above and below that, a 9" woofer mounted above and below the mids. All of these drivers are Morel's, which he chose for their very low weight to motor structure ratio i.e. transient characteristics. The subs are mounted off to the sides of this vertical array and down-loaded. Each driver is housed in their own sealed and stuffed PVC tube to minimize crosstalk and reduce internal standing waves. This also allowed him to dial in the proper time alignment for each driver since each driver is in its' own housing. We did this with the aid of a digital room correction device i.e. hooked up the test equipment and adjusted the speakers for the least amount of necessary correction and then removed the digital correction devices. Like most of the things we have going on with audio in my family, it is a never-ending project : ) Sean
Why can't my brothers do cool stuff like that.One golfs and the other kills everything with fur and scales.
I see 2 different 105W ST-140s with red & blue lettering. One has speaker outputs on opposite sides of the amp, the other has both speaker outputs and line inputs on one side, (the right hand side as viewed from the rear.)

Anyone know the difference between these 2 105W models?
I have the blue with red lettering version (105w), non-balanced. My speaker outputs are on the right. I think the balanced version has the outputs on both sides.