Anyone heard of DK design group?

I have seen the DK VS-1 Reference Integrated Amplifier up for auction both here and on ebay. For the price and from the picture it looks great. However, No mention anywhere else aside from the company website:

Any comments from anyone
I just recieved a VS1 MKII today, and let me first say
I have never ever ever!!! heard a better amp in my life!
How they did it I do not know. But even stone cold BN,
it is in a total different class than my Spectron digtal
amp & EE Mini Max combo.
From the iron fist bass to the unbelievable transparent
midrange & airy delicate highs, it is just amazing.
I will update further as it breaks in. But I can tell you
I have owned a lot of amps & pre amps so I know what I
am hearing. A winner of biblical proportions!
And btw...imaging & soundstage are unreal.
Stay tuned.
Thanks Telescoper - good to hear your comments - do keep us abreast! I've got one coming Tuesday...

What are your speakers and front end??
I take it you're hearing the stock tubes in the VS-1??
Your gonna love it!! Even regular tv sounds so much better!
The dynamics are incredible and it is so darn musical.
I hate to rant on, but it is truly something special.
One bummer (easy to fix) is it does not fit all the way
into my rack. My rack is exactly 9 1/4" and it has a lip
at the front of the amp that sticks up about 1/32 to high.
:o)Oh well it will have to stick out for a little while.
It's a monster of an amp.

I am using a Audio Note CD 2.1x cdp & Hyperion HPS 938's,
Shunyata & Michael Wolff pc's, & WireWorld silver ic's.

Let me know when you get yours & what you think.

BTW...yes I am running the stock tubes for now. Scary to
think it can still be improved with some tube rolling.