What 5ch or 3/2 to match Aragon 8008bb?

Hi everyone, I'm hoping to solicit your advice; I'm having a hard time finding any answers to this question.

I'm picking up an 8008bb Aragon for my mains, but i'm running a 7.1 system, and need to get amplification that will match well with the 'bb'.

Any suggestions? I've heard the acurus a200x5 is voiced similarly; and I've thought an 8008x3 for the center and 2 side surrounds, with a cheap amp for the rear surrounds might work as well...

I'd like to keep it around $2k total if I can, but I'm not sure if that's possible.

Thanks for any advice you can give!

I don't know why many seem to think the new Aragon amps are not as good as the old. Internally, they're all still the same; only the outer cosmetics are different. Having owned both(still have an 8002 and 8008BB), the Acurus products don't have anywhere near the dynamics and lower noise floor of the Aragon products. I even bi-amped a pair of Paradigm Eclips/BP's with 2 Acurus A200 amps, then switched to the 8002- the 8002 was far superior in every way, all by itself.
Stick to the 8008x5.
Hi Kincade
To my knowledge the 4004 Doesn't get close to the 8008BB. Re: triggering - You do have to turn them on manually - when they're off - they're off. No stand by. I happen to like that.
I would go with the seperate amps. Two reasons. 1. Much better chanel seperation. Not to mention that you will have MUCH more actual current, available per channel. 2. IF by chance a channel goes bad somehow, you are not completely "out of business". Let me know how things go.

You have to manually turn them on. I had a 4004 markII and an 8008BB (pre-klipsch). I dumped them both and picked up a sherbourn 7/2100 and haven't looked back. Processor is an Anthem AVM20 and speakers have included B&W N805's and N805Sigs, VR4jr's and Soliloquy 5.3i's. Cables are cardas golden cross and sources are Xindak SACD2 and modded Philips 963SA.

Good luck,

Thanks; I wondered if there was a difference between the Acurus and Aragon, and if it was noticeable.


Thanks for the responses; Do you just leave the amps on all the time, or do you turn them on every time you listen?


So you're saying that there is NO difference between the Sherbourne 7/2100 (class A/G), and the Aragon 8008bb? Because if that's true, I can hang on to my brand new Sherbourne and save about $1200, which would go quite a ways towards other equipment. I just read more and more about the switching to class G, and I cant see how it WOULD be in the same league as the 8008. Please elaborate, I'm very interested in your opinion on this.

Your speakers are almost exactly what I will be getting (currently Dahlquist QX10's, but will be going w/ VR4jrs soon); and the pre-pro is an AVM-30. Sources are a Denon 2900 and Jolida JD-100 CDP.
Basically, I have similar setup:

-8008BB for mains.
-8008x3 for the center and 2 surrounds
-4004 markII for rear surrounds
-Vandy speakers through-out

I am very happy with my setup & have no plan to upgrade for a long time. Recently I added an Aragon 8008X3 to my system and I love it, it matches extremely well with the 8008BB. The system seemingly unlimited power, transparency and great dynamics. Also I'm considering an Aragon 8008X3 is one of the best buy (used $1350-1400).

Good luck.