How good is the midrange in the DK Design VS-1Mk2?


I am an avid new age listener, and listen to the likes of Vangelis, Jean Michel Jarre, and Tangerine Dream to name a few, and I was wondering how you would compare the DK Design Group VS-1 Mk. 2 Integrated Amp midrange to a good tube amp midrange? Which do you think is better and why? I have a rebuilt and retrofited Dynaco 70 by Will Vincent of Auto Specialty in Idaho, and it has a very detailed and transparent midrange, and I love it. Matching components include the Eastern Electric Minimax CD player with mullard tubes, Sonic Euphoria preamp, and I have a pair of the Morel 403.5 speakers to complete this nice little system. However, I am planning on running the DK Design VS-1 MK2 with Tyler Acoustic Super Towers in my living room. Thanks much for your help.


I got the VS-1 Mk. 2 from the company on a 30-day trial. Previously my system consisted of the following components:

VTL-ST85 amplifier (all tube)
VTL-TL5.5 preamp (all tube)
Rega Planet 2000 CD player
Audio Physic Tempo loudspeakers
JPS labs wire

I replaced the VTL amp and pre-amp with the DK VS-1 Mk. 2. The difference in sound quality was shocking. The DK amp retained the harmonic purity and the dimensionality of the VTL combo except it added thrilling dynamics, much better bass, incredible pacing, rythm, and speed. Overall, it took my system to a new level of performance. It is also the only amp that I have had in my system that does not seem to have any flaws. It is an absolute sonic marvel and I highly encourage any serious audiophile to check it out.

I have heard a lot of equipment and so far the DK amp is the best amp I ever heard. Although I haven,t heard the Arpege amp, but I can;t imagine how a 30W tube amp can even come close to the DK amp or handle the type of dynamic swings without compression as the DK. My VTL was 85W and it fell apart dynamically if you turned up the juice. You just can,t deny the laws of physics, 30W is 30W and it will only provide provide proper dynamic range with very high efficiency speakers, most of which don,t sound good anyway.
I got the DK Design Group VS-1 Mk. 2 Reference integrated amp about 2 weeks ago from Blue Diamond Audio. I never heard such a sonic knockout! The midrange purity is stunning on my Sonus Faber Cremonas. The amp also continues to sound better and better each day with break-in. The amp can play string quartets and closely miked vocal recordings with amazing purity and intimacy. Then you can put on something like Prodigy (smack my bitch up) and your house is shacking with amazing bass energy and slam that I did not know was possible with this recording – all without a subwoofer. I listen to pretty much everything, I am serious Bach and Brahms fan, I also love jazz, and I like drum and bass and techno music. Nothing in my experience reproduces all music with such amazing realism as this amplifier. It’s the amp changes its character depending on the music that is playing. It can sound like a 10W per channel tube amp or a monster solid state amplifier depending on whats playing.

I guarantee you that if you get this amp, you will be blow away. I have owned the following amps in the past; Jeff Rowland, Pass Labs, and Audio Research and none of them presented a complete musical picture like this amplifier does. It is just silly to go out and spend more before hearing this amp.
Hey Loudandclear, if you thought the VS-1 Mk.2 sounded restrained then maybe you have a defective VS-1. It certainly sounded incredibly dynamic, musical, and 3 dimentional in my system with Vandersteen 5A speakers. You should contact the company and have them take a look at the unit. The VS-1 Mk2 amp completely blew away the Musical Fidelity kW500 which is more then twice the cost!
Anyone have a sense of what the DK would sound like with horns? Or has anyone heard one as such? I was thinking about an in-home trial, but didn't want to go through the process if the DK really has no chance of improving on the airy transparency of the SET/horn combination. Any comments?
It will only provide provide proper dynamic range with very high efficiency speakers, most of which don,t sound good anyway.