How good is the midrange in the DK Design VS-1Mk2?


I am an avid new age listener, and listen to the likes of Vangelis, Jean Michel Jarre, and Tangerine Dream to name a few, and I was wondering how you would compare the DK Design Group VS-1 Mk. 2 Integrated Amp midrange to a good tube amp midrange? Which do you think is better and why? I have a rebuilt and retrofited Dynaco 70 by Will Vincent of Auto Specialty in Idaho, and it has a very detailed and transparent midrange, and I love it. Matching components include the Eastern Electric Minimax CD player with mullard tubes, Sonic Euphoria preamp, and I have a pair of the Morel 403.5 speakers to complete this nice little system. However, I am planning on running the DK Design VS-1 MK2 with Tyler Acoustic Super Towers in my living room. Thanks much for your help.


Hey Loudandclear, if you thought the VS-1 Mk.2 sounded restrained then maybe you have a defective VS-1. It certainly sounded incredibly dynamic, musical, and 3 dimentional in my system with Vandersteen 5A speakers. You should contact the company and have them take a look at the unit. The VS-1 Mk2 amp completely blew away the Musical Fidelity kW500 which is more then twice the cost!
Anyone have a sense of what the DK would sound like with horns? Or has anyone heard one as such? I was thinking about an in-home trial, but didn't want to go through the process if the DK really has no chance of improving on the airy transparency of the SET/horn combination. Any comments?
It will only provide provide proper dynamic range with very high efficiency speakers, most of which don,t sound good anyway.

Actually I agree that most high efficiency speakers sound pretty crappy, although when I say high efficiency I mean standard moving coil dynamic loudspeakers. Every high efficiency standard box loudspeaker that I have heard sounded pretty bad. Horns are another story. Horns can sound amazing when done right and provide incredible dyamics and resolution. I think the DK amp might work really well on a horn system since it is an extremely quiet amplifier with a very low noise floor, which will probably sound great driving a horn. Imagine what 150W of pure power will sound like on a high sensitive horn oh my. I have heard many SET amps and I think the DK has a very high chance of taking your system to another level. Please give it a try and let us know how it turns out.
There's no doubt in my mind that the Audiomat Arpege was the far better amplifier in the system that we heard both amps in.

We even rolled some NOS Seimens and Amperex in the VS1. They were a vast improvement over the stock Chinese tubes, which shows that the VS1 responds to tube rolling.

I have nothing against new posters here at AG (welcome!), but I would have a little more confidence if some more long term members would offer some input on the VS1.

As always, try to audition in your system before committing to purchase!

Good Luck guys . . .