Sonic Frontiers Line 3 Mod by Parts Connection?

Attention Power 3, Line 3, Line 3 SE, Line 3 SE+ pcx owners

I'm wondering why I see so many Sonic Frontiers Line series components being quickly dumped after the pcX upgrade. It seems to be mostly with the Power 3 and Line 3. I spoke with an unsatisfied Line 3 owner who felt the Parts Connection mod. workmanship was poor quality. That is to say, good parts but, bad board work. Were you former owners not satisfied with the change in sound quality pcX gave? Is the SF factory SE better than the pcX Mod? What has been your experience?
Sorry I can't directly answer your question about PCX upgrades but I would imagine Firebat may have a point when he says some people underestimated the break-in time for their upgrades... I also agree that Ckoffend makes a good point about the actual upgrade cost when one considers integrating a repair process at the same time.
As an extremely happy Line 3 owner which I bought new before SF went under AND with several "custom upgrades" [done at the factory as per my local S/F dealer's direction] I couldn't be happier with its overall performance and reliability. Servicing is still available at SF/Anthem though I doubt they do upgrades???
All I can tell you is that other components have come and gone over the years but for more than a decade my Line 3 is and will continue to be a staple in my system.
FWIW they are a steal on the current Audiogon market when they do pop up.
Good luck
They are great components. Only fault I've had issues with are with the many many relays. As is common with relays, they tend to get stuck after a time.
08-04-11: Lissnr
Servicing is still available at SF/Anthem though I doubt they do upgrades???
All out-of-warranty repair for Sonic Frontiers, Anthem and Assemblage products is handled by Chris Johnson(one of the original founders) and his crew at Parts Connexion. They also perform extensive upgrades and modifications to those brands and many more.
Chris / PCX does a great job of upgrading or servicing the SF gear. I can support the fact that the upgrades make a significant improvement to both power amps and pre's and - the SF gear was damn good to start with. I regret selling my LIne 3 that Chris upgraded for me and frankly it is still a reference piece that competes with the latest and greatest - I am in the hunt to get one back .......
I too am considering the SF line 3 mod by PCX. However, as I look at the price list for the parts, I wonder if Chris is charging too much for the caps ($599). Anyone have an opinion?