Cheap Backup Amp Needed

My power amp (CAT JL-2) just blew something or other and has to go home to daddy Ken to be repaired. I need a cheap ($500-$1000) replacement amp to tide me over until my real amp returns. I don't care about power (my speakers are rated 92db - Wilson Watt Puppy 5.1s) so much, at least for a month or two, or the frequency extensions. I don't care if it is solid state or tubes. I just want some modicum of emotional involvement possible.
I might use the amp in a second system when it's not subbing in the main system. It would be nice if the amp could be used as a headphone amp also.
Any ideas?
Adcom 5500. 200 watts per channel, MOSFETS will mate well with your Watt/Puppies. This amp will be less authoritative in the bass than an Aragon 4004, but it sounds better (to me) in the midrange and on top.
I own Pass Aleph, Rowland, Adcom, Aragon & Cary. The Adcom 5500 is easily the most musical for the least ($500.00) money.
Try to find a later one with the detachable power cord.....
For that money, hard to find fault with a McCormack DNA 0.5. At 1K, you could probably find one that's been taken to level b mod at SMcAudio. For 92 dB speakers, if you want something that can double as a headphone amp, how about a Berning microZotl? Pretty bizarre idea at first blush, but I have used one with a pair of 91 dB monitors and they easily filled up a moderate sized room (11' x 14') with acoustic music. I will also say that the Forte 4/4a is a damn nice amp, too.
sophia baby tube amp...very powerful 10 watts and very nice sounding for what it is..about 475 used
AES/Cary Superamp with Copper/oil cap upgrade-Read the reviews-well worth your time.
Thee is a Forte Model 4 available on sale right now. The owner is looking for $600 shipped. I can say that this is a very good amp which does very little wrong. It is better than the popular class B amps such as McCormack (unmodded) and Aragon and Bryston, IMO. It is a very good amp for a second bedroom system and it's not going to cost a lot.