Cheap Backup Amp Needed

My power amp (CAT JL-2) just blew something or other and has to go home to daddy Ken to be repaired. I need a cheap ($500-$1000) replacement amp to tide me over until my real amp returns. I don't care about power (my speakers are rated 92db - Wilson Watt Puppy 5.1s) so much, at least for a month or two, or the frequency extensions. I don't care if it is solid state or tubes. I just want some modicum of emotional involvement possible.
I might use the amp in a second system when it's not subbing in the main system. It would be nice if the amp could be used as a headphone amp also.
Any ideas?
sophia baby tube amp...very powerful 10 watts and very nice sounding for what it is..about 475 used
AES/Cary Superamp with Copper/oil cap upgrade-Read the reviews-well worth your time.
Thee is a Forte Model 4 available on sale right now. The owner is looking for $600 shipped. I can say that this is a very good amp which does very little wrong. It is better than the popular class B amps such as McCormack (unmodded) and Aragon and Bryston, IMO. It is a very good amp for a second bedroom system and it's not going to cost a lot.
CJ MF-80
Very musical and easily in your budget. Hard to find but once you have it you wont sell it.
Look into Musical Design products. John Hillig makes some great products for the money. He uses parts that are far more expensive than the big boys.
And no I am not a shill for John. The added bonus with his products is that he
can update as budget can go. John has a good ear and he can fine tune any of his products to your liking. I own his pre and power amp...spend $1000's
more and you might get a litte bit better.