What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?

Only recently have heard about these pre-amps. Are they as good as they are made out to be? Is the least expensive model as good as say a R0land Synergy? I live in Seattle and have never heard of this pre-amp so any information would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance, Jerry.
Excellent description, Rayhall. It is rare to read such a thoughtful discussion of a component's sound, and yours is both detailed and refreshingly free of cliches and empty descriptors.
Hi Rayhall. Excellent description. I may have heard osme of that agressiveness in my FS, but was never able to articulate it as well. I would also say i forgave it because it is such an involving preamp, and did all those other things sooooo very well. I no longer have mine, but miss it. Im looking hard at the CAT for my system, and would be very interested in what/how the two preamps differ in your system, aside from what you already mentioned aboutthe CAT not having any of that hardness.

Much appreciated - Art
Rayhall: Have you discussed with Emmanuel the impedance match between the FS and the Pass Aleph 4? I know the FS output impedance is higher than normal and the Aleph input impedance is lower than normal. I don't know if an impedance mismatch would cause the artifacts you describe, but it might be worth investigating.